When a guest with a disability arrives, waiters need to speak clearly and be more sensitive than usual. The guest may have a visible disability such as Cerebral Palsy, visual/hearing impairment or Down syndrome. This can affect their speech so it is important that you are not stressed and that you listen to them. It is essential that you do not talk over their head if they have company such as parents or companions. Speak directly to the guest and ask follow-up questions to them directly, because if interpretation is needed, someone in the party will automatically translate. AND it is important to speak in your normal voice to an adult and not distort your voice as if you were talking to a child.
Something to keep in mind is that even if they are an adult with a disability, they may order a non-alcoholic drink. When you take the drink order, list all the types of drinks on offer, starting with the alcoholic drinks, just that small gesture shows that you as a waiter do not differentiate between people.
This service may take a few extra minutes, so let your colleagues know so they can keep an extra eye on your tables for a while. The other guests will notice your treatment of this guest, and that’s very good advertising,
Whether they have a disability, are elderly or of a different religion etc, it is your duty as a waiter to take care of these guests.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)